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谷歌Chrome扩展 - 建筑问题

更新时间:2023-02-20 14:25:38


I will try to explain in steps what I think the nice way of doing this. It doesn't mean it is the best way, it just a recommended way :)


If I understand the question correctly, you would like to show a popup on the website. Based on what the user chooses in the popup, the websites DOM will be modified. As well, you would like the popup to receive remote data.


From the above requirements, you will quickly find out that the following is required:

  • 内容脚本 - 因为你需要传达给直接在DOM

  • 背景页面 - 你需要一个地方做外部XHR请求(通信到远程服务器)。

  • 消息传递 - 为内容脚本和背景页之间进行通信

  • Content Script - Because you would need to communicate to the DOM directly.
  • Background Pages - You need a single place to do external XHR requests (to communicate to a remote server).
  • Message Passing - To communicate between the Content Script and the Background Page.


By using Message Passing mechanisms, you will be able to pass data between two different worlds (Context Menus, and Background Page). Whenever you want to call a remote service, you will request that through Messaging. Below, I will explain each step along the way.


Your popup will just be a normal "div" element that you dynamically create in JavaScript. Something like following:

var overlayDOM= document.createElement('div');
... add your stuff to overlayDOM


Or you can use an iframe, to preserve the style. Using CSS techniques, you can style it appropriately to look like a popup. You can do this by using absolute positioning or anything fancy along those lines.


Now there are two ways to use content scripts. The questions that you have to ask yourself is the following:

  • 是用户要激活从浏览器进程弹出?例如,从任何分机的用户界面将显示编程(上下文菜单,页面动作,浏览器的行动,具体的事件,等等)弹出。

  • 弹出总是在DOM可见,无需用户干预,以使其可见。

如果你选择前者,那么你可以使用标签 executeScript 功能。这是pretty直线前进,所有你需要做的是提供您要注入到DOM(网站)在code或JavaScript文件。例如:

If you choose the former, then you can use the tabs executeScript functionality. It is pretty straight forward, all you need to do is supply the code or the JavaScript file that you want to inject to the DOM (Website). For example:

chrome.tabs.executeScript(tabId, {file: 'popup_overlay.js'});

如果你打算选择后者(在页面上弹出总是可见)。 //$c$c.google.com/chrome/extensions/:您可以通过的 popup_overlay.js 在每一页content_scripts.html#登记>清单

If you planned to choose the latter (the popup always visible on the page). You can inject that popup_overlay.js in every page by defining it in the manifest.

"content_scripts": [
     "matches": ["http://www.google.com/*"],
     "css": ["mystyles.css"],
     "js": ["popup_overlay.js"]



Background Page

The background page will have permission so that it can communicate to the remote database. The first thing you need to do is supply the correct permissions via manifest. Make sure you look at the Match Patterns to make sure your permission is as limited as possible.

"permissions": [

一旦你设置的权限,可以对远程服务通过 XmlHtt $ P沟通$ pquests (XHR)。创建使用XHR你的JavaScript服务API,随意使用任何设计请你。我个人喜欢用JavaScript对象来组织我的code。你的背景页将有机会获得您所创建的实例化服务API,并可以在整个扩展的终身使用。

Once you setup the permissions, you can communicate to the remote service via XmlHttpRequests (XHR). Create your JavaScript service API that uses XHR, feel free to use any design you please. I personally like to use JavaScript objects to organize my code. Your background page will have access to those instantiated service API that you create and that you can use throughout the lifetime of your extension.

// Lives in the Background Page
var service = new RemoteService();



Message Passing

As explained above, Message Passing is used to allow communication between the Content Script and the Background page. In your case, you want the popup to grab some data from the background page (since that is where your JS object lives) and return the results back. When you get those results and display them on the page since your already in the same world as the DOM.


You first need to setup the background page to receive requests, this is how you setup the request listener:

chrome.extension.onRequest.addListener(function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
  if (request.method == 'GetUserList')
    sendResponse({result: db.getGetUserList()});
  else if (request.method == 'GetUser')
    sendResponse({result: db.getGetUser(request.username)});
    sendResponse({}); // snub them.


You can make the above fancier, but for the sake of explaining, I am following the Message Passing document, which explains it perfectly. As you see above, we are creating a listener for extension requests. You handle the request within the listener. As you noticed, you can send back a response too. In the above case we are sending back the appropriate result for the method we are requesting.


In your content script you can easily send the request to the background page:

// Retrieve the username called mohamedmansour. Continuation from above.
chrome.extension.sendRequest({method: 'GetUser', username: 'mohamedmansour'}, function(response) {


In the code snippet above, we are sending a request back to the extension from the Content Script to get the user data for "mohamedmansour". Then the result is printed in the console.


Once you get your mind around Messaging, you will notice how easy it is for sending JSON messages back and fourth.
