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在Windows上安装Imagick for PHP和Apache

更新时间:2023-02-22 20:10:54

我已在Windows 8.1 pro上为我的开发系统安装了 php 5.6 NTS x64 .

I have php 5.6 NTS x64 installed on Windows 8.1 pro for my Development System.

编辑:此过程也适用于Windows 10专业版.

This procedure worked with Windows 10 pro as well.


I was unable to get Imagick Working with PHP using an older release of ImageMagick as in the accepted answer and it was difficult to find mirrors with the exact safe binaries needed (the binaries on the mirror in the accepted answer downloaded as different versions than listed).

在下面的所有步骤中,请确保将您的PHP体系结构(x86/x64和NTS/TS)与二进制体系结构相匹配.如果您使用的是PHP x86,请用x86(或32位)版本替换下载的x64版本.同样适用于PHP的线程安全(TS)和非线程安全(NTS)版本.

In all of the steps below, be sure to match your PHP architecture (x86/x64 and NTS/TS) to the binary's architecture. If you are using PHP x86 - replace the x64 version of the downloads with the x86 (or 32bit) version. The same applies to Thread-Safe (TS) and Non-Thread-Safe (NTS) versions of PHP.


I finally got it all working by performing the following:

  1. 导航到 https://pecl.php.net/package/imagick 并在回答此问题时下载最新的DLL (3.3.0RC1) .
  2. php_imagick.dll 提取为 D:\php5.6\ext
  3. 将所有 CORE_RL_*.dll 文件提取到 D:\php5.6 -确保将 D:\php5.6 添加到PATH系统环境变量
  4. extension = php_imagick.dll 添加到 D:\php5.6\php.ini
  5. 重新启动Apache/PHP内置Web服务器
  6. 检查PHP信息以确保正确安装了模块 请注意突出显示的ImageMagick版本 (ImageMagick 6.9.1-2 Q16 x64) 以及缺少的受支持格式
  1. Navigate to https://pecl.php.net/package/imagick and download the latest DLL (3.3.0RC1) at time of this answer.
  2. Extract php_imagick.dll to D:\php5.6\ext
  3. Extract all CORE_RL_*.dll files to D:\php5.6 - Ensure D:\php5.6 is also added to the PATH of your system environment variables
  4. Add extension = php_imagick.dll to D:\php5.6\php.ini
  5. Restart Apache/PHP Built-In Web Server
  6. Check PHP Info to ensure the module is installed correctly Note the highlighted ImageMagick version (ImageMagick 6.9.1-2 Q16 x64) and the missing supported formats
  7. Download and install the matching version of ImageMagick to D:\php5.6\bin from http://www.imagemagick.org/script/binary-releases.php - Ensure that the Add Path to Environment Variables option is checked or manually add it .
  8. Load a command prompt (run as administrator which forces the system path variable to refresh) and ensure convert --version displays the correct version
  9. Delete the previously extracted CORE_RL_*.dll files in D:\php5.6 (they will be loaded via ImageMagick path - otherwise your PHP installation may become unstable with the PECL dlls)
  10. Restart Apache/PHP Built-In Web Server
  11. Check PHP Info to ensure module is still installed correctly and is now loading the Imagick supported formats
  12. Optionally download and install Ghostscript to D:\php5.6\bin to be able to convert PDFs to images from http://sourceforge.net/projects/ghostscript/ be sure to match the architecture for your installation

我不需要添加MAGICK_HOME即可使Imagick使用PHP内置Web服务器或CGI进行工作,但是Apache可能需要使用mod_php来运行.确保运行PHP的用户有权执行convert.这应该通过D:\php5.6\bin继承,但是如果您选择安装到C:\Program Files.由于权限受限,您可能会遇到问题.

I did not need to add MAGICK_HOME for Imagick to work using the PHP Built-In Web Server or CGI, but may be required for Apache using mod_php. Be sure the user running PHP has permission to execute convert. This should be inherited via D:\php5.6\bin but in case you chose to install to C:\Program Files. you may have issues due to its restricted permissions.


如评论中所述,您也可以下载必需的ImageMagick版本依赖项,并将exedll文件从bin目录中直接提取到您的 D:\php5.6 目录中. 依赖性可以在PECL网站上找到 http://windows.php.net/downloads/pecl /deps/

As noted in the comments, you can alternatively download the required ImageMagick version dependencies and extract the exe and dll files from within the bin directory directly into your D:\php5.6 directory. The dependencies can be found on PECL website http://windows.php.net/downloads/pecl/deps/

使用PECL依赖项无需直接下载和 从供应商的网站运行匹配的ImageMagick版本安装程序.

Using the PECL dependencies removes the need to directly download and run the matching ImageMagick version installer from the vendor's website.




Be sure to rearrange your PATH System Environment Variable so that %SystemRoot%\system32\convert.exe does not override the D:\php5.6\bin\convert.exe.

通过将您的PHP路径添加到system32的左侧,如下所示: PATH:D:\php5.6\bin;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;...

By adding your PHP path to the left of system32, like so: PATH: D:\php5.6\bin;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;...



Replace D:\php5.6\bin\convert.exe with the path to where you installed ImageMagick or the path to where convert.exe is located

https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us /library/cc723564.aspx#XSLTsection127121120120