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慢"查找所有引用"在Visual Studio中

更新时间:2023-02-27 10:27:46

您没有提到正在运行的的Visual Studio版本,但我发现,声称他们没有2005年和2005SP1之间的一些性能改进它们做广告

You didn't mention which version of Visual Studio you are running, but I found a blurb that claims they did some performance improvements between 2005 and 2005SP1

我们做的VS2005 SP1的变化
  (并包括它在VS 2008中),这

We made a change in the VS2005 SP1 (and included it in VS 2008) which optimizes performance in web projects by first performing a lexical search of the element being refactored to determine if the page needs to be loaded. I apologize for it taking us so long to update this issue with the resolution; there were several connect bugs that were related and while we updated most we managed to miss some.

  这种情况下(后VS 2008),但

We expect that in the future we'll do even more performance enhancements for this scenario (post VS 2008), but hopefully the optimizations we have done drastically increase performance in most cases.


Also, this solution kinda sucks, but MS offered this workaround too:

  VS 2005,我们选择了prioritze

With respect to workarounds you can increase the performance fairly significantly if you open all of the web pages prior to performing the refactoring. I agree that it isn't a particularly good workaround, but for VS 2005 we chose to prioritze correctness over performance for refactoring.


Source: https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/ViewFeedback.aspx?FeedbackID=92239