
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-06-26 23:59:14

摘自 sde :

用户定义的漂移率函数,用F表示. DriftRate是一个函数,当使用两个输入进行调用时,该函数将返回NVARS by-1漂移率向量:
-一个NVARS by-1状态向量Xt.

User-defined drift-rate function, denoted by F. DriftRate is a function that returns an NVARS-by-1 drift-rate vector when called with two inputs:
- A real-valued scalar observation time t.
- An NVARS-by-1 state vector Xt.


A similar specification is provided for the Diffusion function. However, you're passing in the elements of your state vector as scalars and thus have three, rather than two, inputs. You can try changing your model creation function to:

function MDL=gyro_2dim(Psi,D)
% State vector: p = [theta;phi];
F = @(t,p)[sin(p(1))+Psi.*cos(p(2))-D.*cot(p(1));
           Psi.*cot(p(1)).*sin(p(2))];            % Drift
G = @(t,p)[D 0;
           0 D./sin(p(1))];                       % Diffusion
MDL = sde(F,G);
MDL.StartTime = 0;   % Set initial time
MDL.StartState = ... % Set initial conditions


I also changed sinth(theta) to sin(p(1)) as there is no sinth function. I can't test this as I don't have the Financial toolbox (few do).