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更新时间:2022-03-08 01:17:32

给你 - 一个带有日期时间和数学库的纯 Python 解决方案.

Here you go - a pure python solution with datetime and math library.


This is based on the the Navy's Astronomical Equation found here and verified with their own calculator: http://aa.usno.navy.mil/faq/docs/JD_Formula.php

import datetime
import math

def get_julian_datetime(date):
    Convert a datetime object into julian float.
        date: datetime-object of date in question

    Returns: float - Julian calculated datetime.
        TypeError : Incorrect parameter type
        ValueError: Date out of range of equation

    # Ensure correct format
    if not isinstance(date, datetime.datetime):
        raise TypeError('Invalid type for parameter "date" - expecting datetime')
    elif date.year < 1801 or date.year > 2099:
        raise ValueError('Datetime must be between year 1801 and 2099')

    # Perform the calculation
    julian_datetime = 367 * date.year - int((7 * (date.year + int((date.month + 9) / 12.0))) / 4.0) + int(
        (275 * date.month) / 9.0) + date.day + 1721013.5 + (
                          date.hour + date.minute / 60.0 + date.second / math.pow(60,
                                                                                  2)) / 24.0 - 0.5 * math.copysign(
        1, 100 * date.year + date.month - 190002.5) + 0.5

    return julian_datetime


# Set the same example as the Naval site.
example_datetime = datetime.datetime(1877, 8, 11, 7, 30, 0)
print get_julian_datetime(example_datetime)