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在Visual Studio 2013中,如何将代码分析限制为我的代码而不是引用的程序集?

更新时间:2022-02-25 03:58:24


There is no way to tell FxCop to ignore namespaces or types in your code if it lives in the same binaries. When using ILMerge, the SharpZipLib essentially becomes part of your code, as it's merged into your assembly.


To get proper results, run FxCop on the assembly that's generated before the merge.


Other solutions will mention to put a [GeneratedCode] attribute on classes you want excluded, but IlMerge has no option to to that while merging, so that won't help you out.

在Visual Studio 2015中,代码分析使用新的Roslyn Engine处理源代码,这可能会解决该问题,因为即使在编译之前它也会进行分析,因此不会受到IlMerge的使用影响.

In Visual Studio 2015 Code Analysis works on the source code using the new Roslyn Engine, which will solve the issue probably, as it does the analysis even before compilation and as such will not be impacted by your use of IlMerge.