
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2021-09-08 07:24:59


ResourcesResource.designer.cs(29,110): error CS0117: '.........' does not contain a definition
 for 'Animation' [C:......Droid.csproj]


看起来很熟悉我不确定是 Telerik 的问题.刚刚将一个项目从表单库 更新到 并获得了其中的一个.可能我们将不得不等待 Xamarin.Forms 修复.

Looks familiar Im not sure its a Telerik issue. Just updated a project from forms Library to and got a stck of them. Could be we'll have to wait on a Xamarin.Forms Fix.

EDIT 终于找到了答案,如果你还没有找到,我猜也是一样的.打开您的 Android SDK 管理器并安装 Android 6.0 (API 23).如果这不起作用,请安装所有内容.Android 的依赖堆栈似乎有点混乱.Telerik 或 Xamarin.Forms 可能依赖于您尚未安装的特定 Android SDK.

EDIT Finally found the answer and if you haven't as well I'm guessing its the same. Open up your Android SDK manager and Install the Android 6.0 (API 23). If that doesn't work Heck just install everything. The dependency stack with Android appears to be a little messy. Either Telerik or Xamarin.Forms likely has a dependency on a specific Android SDK that you don't have installed.

关于这个问题的更新:时间在流逝,这个错误似乎是各种问题的统称.最近遇到了同样的问题,删除所有 Xamarin Nuget 包并将它们重新添加到项目中修复了它.认为作为另一种可能的解决方案可能值得添加.过去为我解决了这个问题的其他事情.- 重新启动- 重新启动IDE- 清理和重新编译应用程序.我之前没有提到那些,因为我假设如果你在这里你已经尝试过了 :D

Update on this one: Time moves on and this error seems to be a catchall for a variety of issues. Had the same problem recently and Removing all of the Xamarin Nuget packages and re adding them to the project fixed it. Thought it might be worth adding as another possible solution. Other things that have fixed this for me in the past. - Rebooting - Restarting the IDE - Cleaning and Recompiling the App. I didn't mention those earlier as I assume if your here you've already tried that :D