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在C#和MS SQL Server中将布尔类型传递给位参数类型

更新时间:2021-12-07 22:10:29

使用SQL参数时,我发现 AddWithValue 的类型的自动检测功能不太可靠。我发现***只调用 Add 一个显式设置类型, Add 也会返回它从函数调用,这样您就可以随后调用 .Value

When working with SQL parameters I find AddWithValue's auto detection feature of the type too unreliable. I find it better to just call Add a explicitly set the type, Add also returns the new parameter it creates from the function call so you can just call .Value on it afterward.

public void UpdateClient(int clientId, bool hasPaid)
    using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(this.myConnectionString))
        using (SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand("uspUpdatePaymentStatus", conn))
            sqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@ClientID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = clientId;
            sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@HasPaid", SqlDbType.Bit).Value = hasPaid;
            var rowsAffected = sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();


Using the correct type is doubly important when using stored procedures and it is expecting a specific type, I just got in to the habit of always doing it this way.