
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-05-02 22:27:39

\b是PCRE扩展;它在POSIX ERE(扩展的正则表达式)中不可用,这是bash [[ ]]中的=~运算符支持的最小语法集. (单个操作系统可能具有扩展此语法的libc;在这种情况下,这些扩展将在此类操作系统上可用,但在所有支持bash的平台上都可用).

\b is a PCRE extension; it isn't available in POSIX ERE (Extended Regular Expressions), which is the smallest possible set of syntax that the =~ operator in bash's [[ ]] will honor. (An individual operating system may have a libc which extends this syntax; in this case those extensions will be available on such operating systems, but not on all platforms where bash is supported).


As a baseline, the \b extension doesn't actually have very much expressive power -- you can write any PCRE that uses it as an equivalent ERE. Better, though, is to step back and question the underlying assumptions: When you say "word boundary", what do you really mean? If all you care about is that if this starts and ends either with whitespace or the beginning or end of the string, then you don't need the \b operator at all:


请注意,我取出了开头的^.*和结尾的.*$,因为在进行其他未匹配的匹配时,这些构造是自负的. .*使得紧随其后的^毫无意义,同样,.*也恰好位于最后一个$之前.

Note that I took out the initial ^.* and ending .*$, since those constructs are self-negating when doing an otherwise-unanchored match; the .* makes the ^ that immediately precedes it meaningless, and likewise the .* just before the final $.

现在,如果您希望在序列的开头紧接单词字符之前的 exact \b等效,那么我们会得到更多类似的信息:

Now, if you want an exact equivalent to \b when placed immediately before a word character at the beginning of a sequence, then we get something more like:



...and, likewise, when immediately after a word character at the end of a sequence:



Both of these are somewhat degenerate cases -- there are other situations where emulating the behavior of \b in ERE can be more complicated -- but they're the only situations your question appears to present.


Note that some implementations of \b would have better support for non-ASCII character sets, and thus be better described with [^[:alnum:]_] rather than [^a-zA-Z0-9_], but it's not well-defined here which implementation you're coming from or comparing against.