
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事

功能 - 香蕉旅行者游戏 - 迷人和疯狂

更新时间:2022-10-18 23:23:18

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  • 输入图层(将输入转换为游戏事件)
  • 一个引擎(接受一个事件和当前状态产生一个新的游戏状态)
  • 输出层(显示游戏状态和执行事件产生的消息)


    其次,我会简化游戏本身。例如,从单人游戏开始。最近,我将Lisp Land的游戏侠盗猎车手翻译成Haskell很有趣。第三,我将从游戏引擎开始。这意味着你必须考虑:

    • 什么是游戏状态?

    • 什么是游戏事件?



      $ p $ data $ GameState = {_mapNodes :: [Node]
      ,_mapEdges :: [(Node,Node)]
      ,_player :: Node
      $ p $游戏事件应该定义为总和类型:

        data GameEvent = 
      | MovePlayer节点
      | ...

      在定义了这些数据结构之后,写下 performEvent 函数:

        performEvent :: GameEvent  - > GameState  - > IO(GameState)

      结果 performEvent IO(GameState)是你可能需要告诉玩家发生了什么,并使用 IO 在游戏的这个阶段,monad将是最简单的方法(没有双关语意思)。有些方法可以净化一个像 performEvent 这样的函数,但这是一个

        performEvent :: GameEvent  - > GameState  - > IO(GameState)
      performEvent(Move pn)s =
      do putStrLn从++(show $ s _player)++移至++(显示n)
      返回s {_player = n}
      performEvent Look s =
      do putStrLn您位于++(show $ s _player)
      return s

      一旦您测试了 performEvent ,您可以添加一个前端将一行文本转换为 GameEvent

        parseInput :: Text  - >也许GameEvent 
      parseInput t = case
      的Text.words t(look:_) - >只要看看
      (move:n:_) - >移动< $> (parseNode n)
      否则 - > Nothing


      I want to use reactive-banana to write a traveller game that people can write bots for. FRP is completely new to me, and I'm having trouble making a start. I created a more elaborate Graph, when I began, but for my purposes here, I have tried to make it as simple as possible. I'd like some guidance, mostly on where to begin, and how to break this bigger problem down into smaller problems to solve. Here's the initial design.

      The idea is to have a Graph of LNodes (with weighted edges I am ignoring for now for simplicity's sake). These LNodes I describe as Planets. The Planets have a name, a Map of the Players on the Planet and Resources. Players have an id, resources and a Planet.Here's the Data Structues and some associated functions, followed by more discussion.

      -- Graph-building records and functions
      data PlanetName = Vulcan
                      | Mongo
                      | Arakis
                      | Dantooine
                      | Tatooine
                           deriving (Enum,Bounded,Show)
      data Planet = Planet {pName :: PlanetName
                           ,player :: IntMap Player
                           ,resources :: Int
                           } deriving Show
      data Player = Player {pid :: Int
                          ,resources :: Int
                          } deriving Show
      makePlanetNodes :: PlanetName -> [LNode Planet]
      makePlanetNodes planet = Prelude.map makePlanetNodes' $
                               zip [planet ..] [0 ..]
        where makePlanetNodes' (planet,i) =
                (i,Planet {pName = planet, players = IM.empty})
      makePlanetGraph p = mkGraph p [(0,1,1),(1,2,2),(2,3,4),(3,4,3),(4,0,2)]
      -- Networking and command functions
      prepareSocket :: PortNumber -> IO Socket
      prepareSocket port = do
         sock' <- socket AF_INET Stream defaultProtocol
         let socketAddress = SockAddrInet port 0000
         bindSocket sock' socketAddress
         listen sock' 1
         putStrLn $ "Listening on " ++ (show port)
         return sock'
      acceptConnections :: Socket -> IO ()
      acceptConnections sock' = do
         forever $ do
             (sock, sockAddr) <- Network.Socket.accept sock'
             handle <- socketToHandle sock ReadWriteMode
             sockHandler sock handle
      sockHandler :: Socket -> Handle -> IO ()
      sockHandler sock' handle = do
          hSetBuffering handle LineBuffering
          forkIO  $ commandProcessor handle
          return ()
      commandProcessor :: Handle -> IO ()
      commandProcessor handle = untilM (hIsEOF handle) handleCommand >> hClose handle
          handleCommand = do
              line <- hGetLine handle
              let (cmd:arg) = words line
              case cmd of
                  "echo" -> echoCommand handle arg
                  "move" -> moveCommand handle arg
                  "join" -> joinCommand handle arg
                  "take" -> takeCommand handle arg
                  "give" -> giveCommand handle arg
                  _ -> do hPutStrLn handle "Unknown command"
      echoCommand :: Handle -> [String] -> IO ()
      echoCommand handle arg = do
          hPutStrLn handle (unwords arg)
      moveCommand = undefined
      joinCommand = undefined
      takeCommand = undefined
      giveCommand = undefined

      Here's what I know so far, my Events will involve types Planet and Player. Behaviors will involve move,join,take,and give. When a player joins, it will create a new Player event and update the Map on Vulcan with that Player. Move will allow a traversal from one LNode to another,provided the LNodes are connected by an edge. Take will remove resources from the current Planet the Player is "on" and add those resources to the Player. Give will do the opposite.

      How can I break this big problem into smaller problems so I can get my head around this stuff?

      Update: Turns out Hunt the Wumpus is not a good choice to help learn FRP, See an explaination of what FRP is for here. It's in a response by Heinrich Apfelmus.

      That said, I will totally ignore networking code for now. I could just write some dummy bots to test timing etc.

      Update: Some people seem to be interested in this problem, so I am going to track related questions here.

      building a timer

      input handling

      This is a complex project. A game roughly decomposes into the following pieces:

      • an input layer (translates input to game events)
      • an engine (takes an event and the current state to produce a new game state)
      • an output layer (displays game state and messages produced by performing events)

      I would first simplify the input and output layers by using console input and output (i.e. stdin and stdout.) Later you can add network support.

      Secondly, I would simplify the game itself. For instance, start with a single-player game. Recently I had a lot of fun translating the Land of Lisp game "Grand Theft Wumpus" to Haskell.

      Thirdly, I would start with the game engine. This means you have to think about:

      • What is the game state?
      • What are the game events?

      Define Haskell data structures for the game state and each event. Note that the game state needs to record everything that is relevant about the game: the map, player locations, state of players and even random number seeds.

      The game state will typically be a product type:

      data GameState = {  _mapNodes :: [Node]
                         ,_mapEdges  :: [ (Node,Node) ]
                         ,_player   :: Node
                         , ...

      The game events should be defined as sum type:

      data GameEvent =
        | MovePlayer Node
        | Look
        | ...

      After you've defined these data structures have been defined, write the performEvent function:

      performEvent :: GameEvent -> GameState -> IO(GameState)

      The reason that the result of performEvent is IO(GameState) is that you will probably need to inform players about what happened, and using the IO monad is going to be the simplest way to do this at this stage in the game (no pun intended.) There are ways to purify a function like performEvent, but that's a whole other topic.


      performEvent :: GameEvent -> GameState -> IO(GameState)
      performEvent (Move p n) s =
        do putStrLn "Moving from " ++ (show $ s _player) ++ " to " ++ (show n)
           return s { _player = n }
      performEvent Look       s =
        do putStrLn "You are at " ++ (show $ s _player)
           return s

      Once you have tested performEvent, you can add a front end to translate a line of text to a GameEvent:

      parseInput :: Text -> Maybe GameEvent
      parseInput t = case Text.words t of
                       ("look":_)    -> Just Look
                       ("move":n:_)  -> Move <$> (parseNode n)
                       otherwise     -> Nothing

      Then add an input loop, write a function to create the initial GameState, and before you know it you'll have a real interactive game!