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VSTS Web性能测试示例应用程序

更新时间:2022-10-21 15:25:09

Visual Studio Web测试与http(s)请求和响应一起工作。如果您的各种应用程序通过http(s)与其主机服务器通信,那么您应该能够使用它们进行Visual Studio Web测试。

记录的Web测试仅适用于Internet Explorer。它不会记录任何其他应用程序。因此,对于非IE应用程序,您必须自己构建Web测试。一种常见的方法是使用Fiddler(来自Telerik)记录运行
的应用程序,然后将记录导出为Visual Studio Web测试。然后以与使用IE进行录制相同的方式修改记录的动态数据请求等。



hi all,

I have web sample application for exploring VSTS web performance test but I am looking for other two\three type of sample applications and tools to test them?

WCF (thick client based sample application) and how to performance test it

Desktop client + DB type sample application and how to performance test it

Web services sample application and how to performance test it.

I am just exploring advanced options in VSTS performance testing as I am already aware of basics and worked on web performance test for web based application.

Visual Studio web tests work with http(s) requests and responses. If your various applications communicate with their host servers via http(s) then you should be able to use Visual Studio web tests with them.

The web test recorded only works with Internet Explorer. It will not record any other application. So for non-IE applications you have to build the web test yourself. A common way of doing this is to use Fiddler (from Telerik) to record the application running and then to export the recording as a Visual Studio web test. Then modify the recorded requests for dynamic data etc in the same manner as you would for a recording made with IE.

