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如何通过单击Crystal Report中的超链接来打开Winform?

更新时间:2022-12-18 12:40:19




I''ve never thought to do this, but I do have some forms that host the CrystalReportViewer control and I think it can be done.

The control raises an event, ClickPage, which has a CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms.PageMouseEventArgs parameter. This has a property, ObjectInfo, which carries information about "the selected object," presumably, the object that the user clicked. If the user clicked on a link, it should be possible to convert it and extract meaningful information. You can then use this information to open translation form X.

I have not used links embedded in reports, so I may be wrong. Still.... Try encoding your information in the link''s URL field. Create a pseudo protocol, and then a field indicating the form to open, say, trans:SPA. When ClickPage intercepts the click, if the object is a link and the link has a URL that starts with trans: you can open the requested translation form. Otherwise, treat it as a normal URL.

Let me know if this works, I can see a few nice uses for this.



I know it''s a little bit late, but you can''t believe how long I spent looking for such a solution, most of the other related posts mentioned that it''s "NOT POSSIBLE", so thanks a lot Gregory for posting this.

It worked perfectly with me, by adding the following code:

Private Sub CRV_ClickPage(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms.PageMouseEventArgs) Handles CRV.ClickPage
        If e.ObjectInfo.Name = "vouCode" Then
            Dim frmToLoad As New Services
        End If
    End Sub


Where e.ObjectInfo.Name will return the IFieldObject name, and e.ObjectInfo.Text will return it''s text.