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“无法引用默认构造函数”在Visual Studio 2015中

更新时间:2023-02-27 10:46:41

这是一个Intellisense错误。 clang和gcc都接受此代码, webcompiler,在线Visual c ++编译器也接受此代码

This is an Intellisense bug. Both clang and gcc accept this code, also webcompiler an online Visual c++ compiler accepts this code.

C ++ 14标准草案 12.1 [class.ctor] 表示默认的默认构造函数如果满足以下条件,则删除该类:

The draft C++14 standard section 12.1 [class.ctor] says a defaulted default constructor for a class is deleted if:

  • X是类联合的类,其变体成员具有非-琐碎的默认构造函数,

  • 没有大括号或相等初始化器的任何非静态数据成员都是引用类型,

  • 任何非-没有大括号等于初始化器的const限定类型(或其数组)的变体非静态数据成员没有

  • X是一个工会,其所有变体成员都是const限定类型(或其数组)。

  • X是非工会类,任何匿名工会成员的所有成员都是const-限定类型(或其数组)

  • 任何可能构造的子对象,除了具有大括号或等于初始化器的非静态数据成员外,其类类型为M(或其数组
    默认的默认构造函数或$ b中删除或无法访问的函数
  • 任何可能构造的子对象都具有带有析构函数的类型,该析构函数已从默认的默认

  • X is a union-like class that has a variant member with a non-trivial default constructor,
  • any non-static data member with no brace-or-equal-initializer is of reference type,
  • any non-variant non-static data member of const-qualified type (or array thereof) with no brace-orequal- initializer does not have a user-provided default constructor,
  • X is a union and all of its variant members are of const-qualified type (or array thereof),
  • X is a non-union class and all members of any anonymous union member are of const-qualified type (or array thereof),
  • any potentially constructed subobject, except for a non-static data member with a brace-or-equalinitializer, has class type M (or array thereof) and either M has no default constructor or overload resolution (13.3) as applied to M’s default constructor results in an ambiguity or in a function that is deleted or inaccessible from the defaulted default constructor, or
  • any potentially constructed subobject has a type with a destructor that is deleted or inaccessible from the defaulted default constructor.




In the bug report filed by the OP the response was:

感谢您报告此问题。该修补程序应该在Visual Studio 2015的下一次更新中可用。

Thank you for reporting this issue. Fix should be available in the next update to Visual Studio 2015.