
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事

执行查找所有引用时,Visual Studio 2010 崩溃

更新时间:2023-02-27 10:50:47

当您说 Visual Studio 崩溃时,它是进入未响应"状态还是完全崩溃(想要提交错误报告等)) ?

When you say Visual Studio crashes, does it just go into the "Not Responding" state or does it have a full on crash (wanting to submit error report etc) ?


The Not Responding state is normal if it is just that (ie. just let it keep running).

如果你还在苦苦挣扎,我已经使用 Notepad++ 对大型项目进行了搜索和替换.您需要确保首先检出所有项目(如果在源代码控制下),然后运行 ​​Find in Files 搜索并替换所有项目.

If you are still struggling, I have used Notepad++ to do search and replaces on huge projects. You would need to ensure all your projects are Checked-out first (if under source control) and then run a Find in Files search and replace over all your projects.


Sorry I have nothing more enlightening for you.